Game News Update #21
Well good news today, all quests are complete and are tracked in the quest log(haven't tested but finished the code technically shouldn't be any problems). Also I finished creating the final boss putting it in the game animating and coding it so its almost complete still need to create the "teleport" to the final boss fight area. The final fight area is complete and ready. So technically most of the core of the game is complete this is the list of things I have wrote down to do:
add new quest press L to view
fix environment sounds and add in new ones
add in sounds for villagers(progress as players progress or more options avail)
fix UI
fix effects
fix main menu
fix options menu
fix cinematics
Add tutorial
add in save/load function
The save/load function will probably be the longest to do, since there are so many things that need to be tracked and set up @ start when loading or saved when saving. Also why I am doing it last I know how to do it from a previous game demo and think it will be easiest to do once I know all my variables. The list is not really in any set order though, good chance i'll be recreating the main menu today. Feel more like doing art today then more coding. So progress is going well and shouldn't be too much longer.